Summary of Consolidated Financial Results [Japanese GAAP] For the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022

On January 28, 2022 Nippon Kayaku reported that Summary of Consolidated Financial Results [Japanese GAAP] For the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022 (Press release, Nippon Kayaku, FEB 1, 2022, View Source [SID1234607549])

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1. Consolidated Business Results for the First Three Quarters of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022 (April 1, 2021–December 31, 2021)
(2) Consolidated Financial Position

2. Status of Dividends3. Consolidated Business Results Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022 (April 1, 2021–March 31, 2022)

(1) Significant changes in subsidiaries during the first three quarters (changes in designated subsidiaries that result in changes in scope of consolidation): None
(2) Adoption of special accounting methods for presenting the quarterly consolidated financial statements: None
(3) Changes to accounting policies and estimates and restatements

[1] Changes to accounting policies associated with revision of accounting standards or similar items: Yes
[2] Changes other than
[1]: None
[3] Changes to accounting estimates: None
[4] Restatements: None Note: See

"2. Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes to Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements,
(3) Notes to Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements (Changes to Accounting Policies)" on page 8 for further details.
(4) Number of shares issued (common stock)
[1] Number of shares issued at end of the fiscal period (including treasury stock) As of December 31, 2021: 177,503,570 shares As of March 31, 2021: 177,503,570 shares
[2] Number of treasury stock at end of the fiscal period As of December 31, 2021: 9,257,789 shares As of March 31, 2021: 6,710,650 shares
[3] Average number of shares during the fiscal period (cumulative) First three quarters of fiscal year ending March 31, 2022: 169,174,386 shares First three quarters of fiscal year ended March 31, 2021: 170,793,503 shares

*Quarterly summary financial statements are not subject to audit by a certified public accountant or audit firm. *Analysis related to appropriate use of the business results forecasts, and other notes (Disclaimer concerning forward-looking statements) The information in this report constitutes forward-looking statements regarding future events and performance.

This information is based on the beliefs and assumptions of management in light of information currently available to it at the time of announcement and subject to a number of uncertainties that may affect future results. Actual business results may differ substantially from the forecasts herein due to various factors. For matters pertaining to business forecasts, please refer to
"(3) Analysis of Forward-looking Statements, Including Consolidated Business Forecasts" on page 3 of the Supplementary Information.