(Presentation, Cancer Research Technology, JUN 29, 2011, View Source;w=240&h=70&s=True&ch=&sm=False&c=False&c1=False&mc=&qo=False&p=False&i=False&pp=False&cp=False&v=False&mc=False&a=True&sid=145764&aid=147138&pl=&pr=&st=us&num=1&prId=57668&y=77781&stid=1&hs=&u=4948773&pid=1&pt=2&pc=False&cuts=6&t=Genesis+Biopharma+Business+Update+Conference+Call [SID:1234503927])

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CRT and Kurma Biofund to develop new antibody platform for translational research

On June 13, 2011 Cancer Research Technology, the commercial arm of Cancer Research UK, and Paris-based venture capital firm, Kurma Life Sciences Partners (Kurma), reported to have launched a spin-out company, BliNK Therapeutics Ltd, to generate monoclonal antibodies* using a novel platform** (Press release, Cancer Research Technology, JUN 13, 2011, View Source [SID1234523322]).

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BliNK Therapeutics will develop the novel platform to generate therapeutic and diagnostic monoclonal antibodies towards clinically relevant targets. The technology is based on research carried out by the founding scientists Dr Facundo Batista, at Cancer Research UK’s London Research Institute in collaboration with Professor Vincenzo Cerundolo at the University of Oxford.

The platform technology provides a new way of activating the immune system’s B cells to produce antibodies in response to a specific antigen. Antigens are molecules that cause an immune response and can come from parasites, viruses, bacteria or even cancerous tumour cells, while B cells are the antibody-making factories in the immune system.

Kurma has committed up to £1.1m as seed financing, the investment to start-up the company, and up to £6.6m in further financing for BliNK Therapeutics.

Richard Treisman, director of Cancer Research UK’s London Research Institute, said: "We host 46 research groups carrying out life-saving research to understand the fundamental biology of cancer – an essential step in the development of new approaches to diagnose and treat the disease.

"This technology, developed by our scientists, will be vitally important in supporting our translational studies. Our scientists have played a critical role in contributing to the knowledge that has enabled cancer survival rates to double in the last 40 years and we hope that this important investment will quicken the pace of research to continue to save more lives from cancer."

Keith Blundy, CEO of Cancer Research Technology, said: "This investment is great news. It’s immensely exciting that this venture with Kurma will enable us to translate fundamental research of B cell biology into a powerful platform for the generation of monoclonal antibodies."

Parent B cells carry receptors; each receptor detects a single different antigen. Once a B cell receptor recognises its ‘partner’ antigen, the parent B cell ‘matures’ to produce specific antibodies in response – generating millions of ‘daughter’ B cells capable of producing large quantities of the same antibody.

The new platform technology allows generation of monoclonal antibodies directly from human B cells and towards specific antigens, even when the ‘parent’ B cells are rare or when the antigens are hard for B cells to detect.

Alain Maiore, managing partner, Kurma, said: "We’re delighted to have completed our first investment with CRT and Cancer Research UK – and excited by the enormous potential of this antibody platform which has been developed and will be implemented by an expert team of scientists."

Dr Facundo Batista, BliNK’s founding scientist at Cancer Research UK’s London Research Institute, said: "My group carries out research to better understand how our immune system responds to infections and cancer and I am delighted our discoveries have attracted investment of fresh resources that will allow us to continue to expand and apply our knowledge in this incredibly important field of research."

(Press release, ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, JUN 2, 2011, View Source [SID:1234504456])

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(Press release, Varian Medical Systems, MAY 25, 2011, View Source [SID:1234506219])

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CDP signs deal with Centella Therapeutics, Inc. to launch development of radiotherapy-enhancing drug

On May 25, 2011 Cancer Research UK and Cancer Research Technology – the charity’s development and commercialisation arm – reported partnership with Centella Therapeutics, Inc. of Palo Alto, California, to develop, manufacture and trial a promising new drug, CEN-209 in cancer patients with solid tumours (Press release, Cancer Research Technology, MAY 25, 2011, View Source [SID1234523323]).

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CEN-209*, discovered at the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre and exclusively licensed to Centella from UniServices Ltd of New Zealand, is designed to provide benefit when used together with radiotherapy and chemotherapy to treat solid tumours. CEN-209 is the seventh drug candidate to enter Cancer Research UK’s Clinical Development Partnerships (CDP) scheme.

CEN-209 has the potential to destroy the areas of tumours which are low in oxygen – or hypoxic. Tumour cells become hypoxic because the blood vessels supplying them with nutrients and oxygen are often weak, twisted and ineffective due to the rapid growth of the tumour.

Cancer cells that are hypoxic are more resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and often survive such treatment. By destroying the hypoxic part of tumours with CEN-209 in parallel to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it is hoped that this combination treatment will be more effective.

CDP is a joint initiative between Cancer Research UK’s Drug Development Office and Cancer Research Technology, to develop promising anti-cancer agents from companies that are not able to take them through early phase clinical trials themselves. The CDP scheme allows companies to retain the background rights to their programmes while enabling Cancer Research UK to take on early development work to assess if there is a potential benefit to cancer patients. Two drugs from the CDP initiative are already in early phase trials.

CEN-209 is currently in pre-clinical development. Under the terms of the partnership, Cancer Research UK’s Drug Development Office will complete pre-clinical development of the drug and take it through the first Phase I clinical trial, which will be conducted through the charity’s Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres.

After the Phase I trial Centella will have the exclusive option to buy back the clinical trial data and conduct further clinical studies towards approval of CEN-209. If Centella does not exercise its option, the rights to the programme will be transferred to Cancer Research Technology to secure an alternative partner with the goal of making it possible for the drug to reach cancer patients.

Dr Thorsten Melcher, president of Centella, said: "We are very pleased to work in this public-private partnership with the experts from Cancer Research UK to advance CEN-209.

"The drug development experience of Cancer Research UK is very well respected and critical to evaluate the potential of CEN-209 for attacking hypoxic tumours for which few effective treatments are available today.

"Centella is particularly excited to launch this important project that may make radiotherapy even more effective, and to do it in the year that the United Kingdom has dedicated to raising awareness for radiotherapy."

2011 was launched as the year of radiotherapy to help raise awareness of the treatment and highlight the progress made over the last century**.

Dr Ian Walker, senior licensing manager at Cancer Research UK’s Drug Development Office, said: "Through this exciting partnership, we are taking a completely new drug which could treat a range of cancer types into clinical trials –bringing new hope for thousands of future cancer patients.

"We hope that the drug will enhance the effectiveness of radiotherapy, which is an incredibly important way to treat cancer as more than 40 per cent of cancer patients in the UK have radiotherapy as part of their treatment. We hope that finding new ways to increase its effectiveness through new drugs – such as CEN-209 – will help improve survival from a range of cancers."

Dr Nigel Blackburn, director of drug development at Cancer Research UK’s Drug Development Office, said: "The further development of this drug may not have been possible without the CDP initiative – which shows how we work with industry to develop new treatments – and we hope to continue to develop partnerships with the ultimate aim to license new treatments."