New Research Demonstrates the Importance of Genetic Testing for Many Cancers Not Currently Covered by Clinical Guidelines

On May 23, 2024 Invitae (OTC:NVTAQ), a leading medical genetics company, reported eight studies to be presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) (Free ASCO Whitepaper) Annual Meeting held in Chicago from May 31-June 4, 2024 (Press release, Invitae, MAY 23, 2024, View Source [SID1234643605]). The clinical data being presented demonstrate the importance of genetic testing for patients with various different types of cancers, including breast, gastric, prostate and lung, to better inform management and treatment decisions.

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Invitae’s (NVTA) mission is to bring comprehensive genetic information into mainstream medical practice to improve the quality of healthcare for billions of people.

Genetic testing guidelines need to be inclusive of more cancer types, with new data finding gastric, lung and prostate cancer patients with inherited genes linked to increased cancer risk

Gastric cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and the role of pathogenic (disease causing) variants in cancer predisposition genes is not well understood for this disease. One study looked at genetic testing results in 3,706 gastric cancer patients – the largest study of its kind – to better understand the prevalence of disease causing variants in cancer associated genes. The results found the percentage of patients with disease causing variants to be 13.4%, about 1 in 8 patients. This shows the value of genetic testing in all gastric cancer patients, as the prevalence of pathogenic variants is similar to other cancer types for which guidelines recommend universal genetic testing.

"Current guidelines haven’t met the needs for patients across cancer types, gastric cancer included," said Dr. Ophir Gilad, University of Chicago and a co-author of this study. "The prevalence of actionable gene variants found in this study of gastric cancer patients is on par with other cancer types for which guidelines recommend universal genetic testing. We’re increasingly seeing evidence for germline genetic testing to help guide treatment plans and familial testing for various cancer types."

Additionally, in a study of 14,317 patients with lung cancer, 12.6% had pathogenic germline variants — regardless of smoking history. The study results suggest these inherited genes are not only independently associated with lung cancer, but also additive to smoking risk for lung cancer. These data reinforce prior studies supporting consideration of germline genetic testing for all patients with lung cancer, independent of age or reported smoking history.

Genetic testing is similarly underutilized for prostate cancer. In a large study of 15,000 prostate cancer patients that received genetic testing, results showed that of the patients with genetic variants that increase risk of prostate cancer, 3 in 4 patients had no reported family history of prostate cancer and more than 1 in 3 patients had no reported family history of any cancer. The findings underscore the importance of genetic testing for all prostate cancer patients, regardless of age, stage or family history.

Breast cancer data in Rwanda demonstrates need for more genetic testing in underrepresented populations

Despite the observation that cancers are often diagnosed at young ages and take an aggressive course in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), genetic data that could inform treatment are limited for this population group.

In a recent study, patients undergoing cancer treatment in hospitals in Rwanda for female breast, male breast and prostate cancer underwent multigene panel testing (Invitae), and the results found a large proportion of the patients had inherited pathogenic variants that could help inform their treatment (18.3% of female breast cancer, 16.7% of male breast cancer, and 4.3% of prostate cancer patients). The findings suggest that genetic testing should be more routinely implemented into cancer care and prevention strategies in this population.

Underrepresented race, ethnicity, and ancestry (REA) groups face these challenges across geographies. In another recent study being presented at ASCO (Free ASCO Whitepaper) that included more than one million people over an eight-year period who underwent genetic testing for hereditary cancer syndromes, it was found that underrepresented REA groups are disproportionately impacted by variants of uncertain significance (VUS) in genetic testing, which are uncertain results that are not clinically actionable. With more representation of these groups in clinical studies, there will be more data that could uncover life-saving discoveries. Clinical evidence was the most significant source of information leading to VUS resolution, underscoring the importance of the clinician-lab partnership and communication.

"Germline genetic testing should be the standard of cancer care across many types of cancers. In underrepresented populations, this is especially crucial as more information needs to be collected to better inform care and improve population health overall," said Dr. Michael Korn, chief medical officer at Invitae. "Each year, ASCO (Free ASCO Whitepaper) presents us with an opportunity to share compelling research to help propel cancer treatment forward, and we’re proud of the clinical insights our tests are able to provide across cancer types."

Study offers reassurance that variants of uncertain significance in genetic testing results among patients with breast cancer do not lead to overuse of treatment or surveillance interventions, such as mastectomies

It’s common for patients with breast cancer undergoing germline genetic testing to have uncertain results, but it’s previously been unclear if these results impact clinical management. However, a recent study being presented at ASCO (Free ASCO Whitepaper) presents new evidence indicating that variants of uncertain significance (VUS) identified through germline genetic testing do not result in guideline-discordant management in real-world settings. Specifically, patients with breast cancer and VUS results demonstrated similar rates of treatment, prevention and surveillance interventions compared to those with negative results. This offers reassurance that VUS results do not lead to overuse of mastectomies or other interventions for patients with breast cancer.

2024 ASCO (Free ASCO Whitepaper) presentations and posters:

Oral presentation/Abstract 10513: Titled: Tracking uncertainty in germline genetic testing for hereditary cancer syndromes: Sources, attributes and resolution of variants of uncertain significance in over 1 million individuals. Presenter: Brian Reys, MS, CGC
Oral presentation/Abstract 10512: Titled: Real-world cancer care utilization among patients with breast cancer with germline variants of uncertain significance. Presenter: Allison W. Kurian, MD, MS, MSc, FASCO
Poster 374/Abstract 6058: Titled: The combination of patient-specific tumor and HPV sequencing to enable high-sensitivity detection of ctDNA in patients with HPV-associated oropharyngeal carcinoma. Presenter: Bill Diplas, MD, PhD
Poster 106/Abstract 10579: Titled: Uptake of risk-reduction, surveillance and therapeutic interventions among breast cancer patients with pathogenic germline variants. Presenter: Allison W. Kurian, MD, MS, MSc, FASCO
Poster 508/Abstract 5102: Titled: Germline gene-specific associations in a large prostate cancer cohort. Presenter: Hiba Khan, MD, MPH
Poster 105/Abstract 10578: Titled: Prevalence of pathogenic genetic variants in patients with gastric cancer ascertained through multi-gene panel testing. Presenter: Ophir Gilad, MD
Poster 118/Abstract 10591: Titled: Germline sequence variation in Rwandan patients with breast and prostate cancer. Presenter: Achille Manirakiza, MD, MMed
Poster 302/Abstract 8040: Titled: Smoking and pathogenic germline variants in patients with lung cancer. Presenter: Ed Esplin, FACMG, FACP, MD, PhD